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List all telemetry event handlers

Telemetry is a new library for application metrics and logging in beam applications. It was added to Phoenix in version 1.4.7 released in June 2019.

Telemetry consists of registered handler functions that are executed when specific events occur.

To see a list of what handlers are registered for which events you can call:


When returns a list of maps.

To see a list of handlers that have a specific event prefix, you can pass in a prefix as the only argument.

:telemetry.list_handlers([:phoenix, :endpoint])

Which returns:

    config: :ok,
    event_name: [:phoenix, :endpoint, :start],
    function: #Function<2.82557494/4 in Phoenix.Logger.install/0>,
    id: {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :endpoint, :start]}
    config: :ok,
    event_name: [:phoenix, :endpoint, :stop],
    function: #Function<3.82557494/4 in Phoenix.Logger.install/0>,
    id: {Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :endpoint, :stop]}
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