Your own vim <leader> key in a pairing situation
Leader keys in Vim let you set up powerful and easy to access shortcuts for commands you use often.
For example I use <leader>vr
to open my .vimrc in a split. That looks something like this:
nnoremap <leader>vr :vsp $MYVIMRC<cr>
I also use it to edit my vim bundles which are managed using the amazing vim-plug:
nnoremap <leader>vb :vsp ~/.vimrc.bundles<cr>
Finally, after making changes to both I need to source
my vimrc:
nnoremap <leader>so :source $MYVIMRC<cr>
This allows for quick iteration on my vim configuration.
In a pair scenario though I cannot use my own configuration and more often than not the differences can be problematic for my muscle memory. For example at Hashrocket we use the \
key as leader.
In my personal vim setup I have <space>
setup as the leader key. I find it to be more ergonomic and easier to access since I can slam it with either thumb.
Since there can only be one leader key you might need to add a leader alias. That can be done simply by adding this:
nmap <space> \
Remember not to use nnoremap
if you wan this to work.