Fizzbuzz With Common Table Expressions
In learning about CTEs (common table expressions) in postgres, I discovered
that you can do some interesting and powerful things using the with recursive
construct. The following solves the fizzbuzz problem for integers
up to 100
with recursive fizzbuzz (num,val) as (
select 0, ''
select (num + 1),
when (num + 1) % 15 = 0 then 'fizzbuzz'
when (num + 1) % 5 = 0 then 'buzz'
when (num + 1) % 3 = 0 then 'fizz'
else (num + 1)::text
from fizzbuzz
where num < 100
select val from fizzbuzz where num > 0;
Check out With Queries (Common Table Expressions) for more details on CTEs.