Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Run Prettier on all #JavaScript files in a dir

If you are like me you must like formatters such as Prettier which probably prompted you to set your editor to auto format the file on save.

That's great for new projects but when working on an existing project, every file you touch will have a huge diff in git that can obscure the real changes made to the file.

To solve that you must run prettier on all your javascript files as an independent commit. You can do it with the following command:

find ./src/**/*.js | xargs prettier --write --print-width 80 --single-quote --trailing-comma es5

The flags after the prettier are all my personal preferences except for --write which tells prettier to write the file in place.

Note 1: Make sure you have all the files you are about to change committed to source control so that you can check them out if this did not go well.

Note 2: When committing this change it would be a good idea to use git add -p and go through the changes one by one (which is always a good idea...)

Note 3: To dry run and see which files will be changed run the find ./src/**/*.js by itself.

See More #javascript TILs
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