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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

erlang memory usage

You might be be curious how much memory your erlang vm is taking. You can get that and more from :erlang.memory. Below is what I get from running this after starting iex normally.

> :erlang.memory
[total: 18133840, processes: 4975616, processes_used: 4974616, system: 13158224,
 atom: 264529, atom_used: 256719, binary: 228728, code: 6640396, ets: 414904]

This list is confusing. All numbers are bytes, so in total 18133840 bytes are allocated to the erlang process. There are two subcategories processes and system and the values of those categories sum to equal the value of total.

The remaining categories are either a component of system or a component of processes.

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