Getting a date
Elixir 1.3 has introduced calendars and calendar types. Lets check out how to get a Date type!
You can use the new
function and pass in year, month and day separately.
iex >, 6, 28)
{:ok, ~D[2008-06-28]}
If you want a nonsensical date you'll get an :error
atom back.
iex >, 6, 31)
{:error, :invalid_date}
Elixir knows how to handle ISO8601 date formatted strings. Don't forget to zero pad that month value!
iex > Date.from_iso8601("2008-6-28")
{:error, :invalid_format}
iex > Date.from_iso8601("2008-06-28")
{:ok, ~D[2008-06-28]}
To support Erlang the from_erl
function will accept a tuple.
iex > Date.from_erl({2008, 6, 28})
{:ok, ~D[2008-06-28]}
It's interesting that the date is inspected as a sigil.
iex > {:ok, d} = Date.from_erl({2008, 6, 28})
{:ok, ~D[2008-06-28]}
iex > d
Hey you can create a date with the new sigil syntax!
iex > ~D[2008-06-28]