Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Formatting the email address fields with Bamboo

When you create an email with Bamboo and deliver it:

 email = new_email(
      to: "",
      from: "",
      subject: "Reminder",
      text_body: "Take your vitamins"
 |> Mailer.deliver_now()

The to field will not be what you expect it to be:
# {nil, ""}

This is the normalized format for a to field. The first element in the tuple is the name of the recipient.

Bamboo allows you to format this field yourself with protocols.

defimpl Bamboo.Formatter, for: Person do
  def format_email_address(person, _opts) do

And now if I send an email with Person in the to field:

person = %Person{
    nickname: "shorty", 
  email: ""

email = new_email(
      to: person,
      from: "",
      subject: "Reminder",
      text_body: "Take your vitamins"
|> Mailer.deliver_now()

Then the to field gets formatted with our protocol.
# {"shorty", ""}

Read more about the Bamboo Formatter here.

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