Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Render A Template To A String

Templates in a Phoenix application ultimately get compiled to functions that can be quickly rendered with the necessary data. We can take a look at how a template will be rendered using Phoenix.View.render_to_string/3.

First, we need a template:

# user.html.eex
<h1><%= @user.first_name %></h1>
<h5><%= @user.username %> (<%= %>)</h5>

We can then render that template for the view with some user:

> user = %User{first_name: "Liz", last_name: "Lemon", username: "llemon", email: ""}

> Phoenix.View.Render_to_string(MyApp.UserView, "user.html", user: user)
"<h1>Liz</h1>\n<h5>llemon (</h5>\n"
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