Ruby optional arguments can come before required
I'm used to seeing optional arguments after required ones, as so:
require 'date'
def age(date,
(today - date) / 365.25 # good enough
birthdate = Date.parse("2011-06-15")
# How old am I today?
age(birthdate) #=> 4.583
# How old was I on the first?
age(birthdate, Date.parse("2016-01-01")) #=> 4.547
The second argument is optional.
However, you can also make the first argument optional:
def age(, date)
(today - date) / 365.25 # good enough
birthdate = Date.parse("2011-06-15")
# How old am I today?
age(birthdate) #=> 4.583
# How old was I on the first?
age(Date.parse("2016-01-01"), birthdate) #=> 4.547
I don't recommend doing this. It's confusing.