Fix Tmux 2.1 mode-mouse error
If your tmux started displaying the following error message:
/Users/username/.tmux.conf:136: unknown option: mode-mouse
/Users/username/.tmux.conf:137: unknown option: mouse-select-pane
/Users/username/.tmux.conf:138: unknown option: mouse-resize-pane
/Users/username/.tmux.conf:139: unknown option: mouse-select-window
when you launch it, it is because the tmux 2.1 has a new syntax for turning mouse-mode on. All of the above are now combined into:
set -g mouse on
You'll also notice that after replacing the mouse mode setting with the new one in your config you still cannot scroll up/down with your mouse wheel. To fix that use the following configuration:
bind -n WheelUpPane select-pane -t= \; copy-mode -e \; send-keys -M
bind -n WheelDownPane select-pane -t= \; send-keys -M