Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Don't rerender if nothing changed in React 16.6.0!

React 16.6.0 came out today and React now provides a handy function to create a component that won't rerender if it doesn't get new props, React.memo.

const BlueComponent = () => {
  return <div>no props don't rerender</div>;

const MemoComponent = React.memo(BlueComponent);

BlueComponent is a component that will re-render every time it's parent re-renders. It doesn't take props though, so it won't look any different based on new props. MemoComponent is a component created by passing BlueComponent to React.memo. It will not re-render when it's parent re-renders.

Check out another example in the code sandbox below.

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Read more about React 16.6.0 here.

See More #react TILs
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