`yo` has been replaced by `]op`
vim-unimpaired is a fantastic vim plugin full of utility mappings, many to do with toggling. I have relied heavily on yo
to enter insert mode with the paste
option set when I want to use the system buffer for pasting.
Recently, the yo
mapping has been repurposed. Read the github issue here.
Instead, ]op
is the new mapping to put you in insert mode with the paste
option set.
The documentation now looks like this:
*[op* *]op* *yop*
A toggle has not been provided for 'paste' because the typical use case of
wrapping of a solitary insertion is inefficient: You toggle twice, but
you only paste once (YOPO). Instead, press [op, ]op, or yop to invoke |o|,
|O|, or |0||C| with 'paste' already set. Leaving insert mode sets 'nopaste'