Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Elixir ExDoc has version dropdown

ExDoc released a new version that allow developers to show a version dropdown on their documentation.

Here's how I added to my library:

Open the mix.exs file and add javascript_config_path to the docs option on your project function.

def project do
    docs: [
      main: "readme",
      extras: ~w(,
      javascript_config_path: "../.doc-versions.js"

And on my Makefile I have this:

docs: ## Generate documentation.
docs: setup
    echo "var versionNodes = [" > .doc-versions.js
    app=`mix run -e 'IO.puts(Mix.Project.config()[:app])'`; \
    for v in $$(git tag | tail -r); do echo "{version: \"$$v\", url: \"$$app/$$v/\"}," >> .doc-versions.js; done
    echo "]" >> .doc-versions.js
    mix docs

So if I run make docs this will generate or update a file .doc-versions.js from what I have on my git tag

And here is how it looks like:


Here's the ExDoc changelog.

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