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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Treat null as if it is a known value #postgresql

When you query a table sometimes you want to check if a nullable field is not equal to a value. For example:

select * from sometable where afield != 'avalue';

However the query above will exclude rows where afield is null, so you would typically add that as an additional condition:

select * from sometable where afield is null or afield != 'avalue';

When you are doing it once it may be ok but as queries get bigger this makes the query messy and harder to read. Fortunately Postgres offers a more idiomatic way to check if a value does not equal something, including null values: is distinct from and is not distinct from.

select * from sometable where afield is distinct from 'avalue';

This query will return all the rows where afield is null or anything but avalue. Conversely:

select * from sometable where afield is NOT distinct from (select x from y limit 1);

will return all the values that are equal to the result of the subquery above and is useful when the result of the subquery could be null.

h/t Jack Christensen

Original docs:

See More #sql TILs
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