Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Your slowest Elixir tests

Sometimes its handy to see what tests are taking the longest in an Elixir project.

Enter mix test --slowest N

Just replace N with how many slow tests you would like to see and you'll get some handy output:

$ mix test --slowest 5

Top 5 slowest (17.6s), 30.2% of total time:
  * test enters a body that is too long (4504.4ms) (DeveloperCreatesPostTest)
  * test the page does not have a Create Post link (4384.9ms) (VisitorVisitsHomepageTest)
  * test and clicks 'like' for that post (3944.2ms) (VisitorViewsPostTest)
  * test fills out form and updates post from post show (2558.6ms) (DeveloperEditsPostTest)
  * test fills out form and submits (2255.5ms) (DeveloperCreatesPostTest)
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