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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Psql Command with Tuples Only

With psql, we can run any string command once and exit using the -c (command) flag. Here's an example:

$ psql hr-til_development -c 'select title, slug from posts limit 5';
                  title                   |    slug
 Start rails server in production mode    | 97e26f5f68
 Enable ScreenSharing from a terminal     | 55dfe1a1a3
 Variable Hoisting in JavaScript          | eeedb8dda0
 Three ways to compile Elixir             | f2a423d1e1
 Indent and de-indent line in INSERT MODE | 8de0fb5d93
(5 rows)

If you are parsing the result, the headers can get in the way. This is where the -t (tuples only) flag is useful. Same query:

$ psql hr-til_development -tc 'select title, slug from posts limit 5';
 Start rails server in production mode    | 97e26f5f68
 Enable ScreenSharing from a terminal     | 55dfe1a1a3
 Variable Hoisting in JavaScript          | eeedb8dda0
 Three ways to compile Elixir             | f2a423d1e1
 Indent and de-indent line in INSERT MODE | 8de0fb5d93

Notice the headers and row count are gone. Toggle this in a psql session with the \t command.

See More #sql TILs
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