Git Log Since
At the end of each day, I try to record what I did, to jog my memory during the next morning's standup. This helps:
git log --since="24 hours ago"
I SSH into my work machine and run this in my project's root directory. Combined with an alias from the Hashrocket Dotmatrix, glg
(git log --graph --oneline --decorate --color --all
), I get a terse summary of the day's work, ready to be pasted into your note-taking or project management tool of choice:
$ glg --since="24 hours ago"
* 7191b92 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) Good changes
* 3f4d61e More good changes
* ecd9dcd Even more
Drop the --all
if you only care about your current branch (and --decorate --color
, they don't add value when only one branch is being examined).
glg --since=midnight
is also useful.