Periodic messages in Elixir
Today I needed to implement a task that happens once every 24 hours. I immediately thought, well this should be a cron job, but my co-worker suggested using the send_after
method in a GenServer instead.
Process.send_after(self, {:"$gen_cast", :get_data}, interval)
The third argument is a milliseconds argument that determines when the call will be processed. The $gen_cast
is a hackish type of thing to get the GenServer to handle the call with handle_cast
The periodism should start in the init and whenever handle_cast is called, it should schedule a new time that the message will be sent.
def init(state) do
Process.send_after(self, {:"$gen_cast", :get_data}, interval)
{:ok, state}
def handle_cast(:get_data, state) do
Process.send_after(self, {:"$gen_cast", :get_data}, interval)
{:noreply, state}
H/T Micah Cooper