Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Compute md5 Hash Of A String

To compute the md5 digest of a string, we can use Erlang's top-level md5 function.

> :erlang.md5("#myelixirstatus")
<<145, 148, 139, 99, 194, 176, 105, 18, 242, 246, 37, 69, 142, 69, 226, 199>>

This, however, gives us the result in the raw binary representation. We would like it in a base 16 encoding, as md5 digests tend to be.

We can wrap (or pipe) this with Base.encode16 to get the result we are looking for.

> Base.encode16(:erlang.md5("#myelixirstatus"), case: :lower)


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