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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Salt And Hash A Password With Postgres' pgcrypto

The pgcrypto extension that ships with PostgreSQL can be used to do a number of interesting things. This includes functions for doing salted password hashing. Using the crypt and gen_salt functions, we can securely store a user password and later compare it to plain-text passwords for authentication purposes.

create extension pgcrypto;

select crypt('pa$$w0rd', gen_salt('bf'));

> select (
    '$2a$06$Z7wmrkYMOyLboLcULUYzNe6nHUcWywSZTt6nSrT5Xdv/VLdJ4g99K' =
  ) as matched;

> select (
    '$2a$06$Z7wmrkYMOyLboLcULUYzNe6nHUcWywSZTt6nSrT5Xdv/VLdJ4g99K' =
  ) as matched;

The salt value is generated using the blowfish encryption algorithm (hence, the 'bf'). There is support for other algorithms such as md5.

See the pgcrypt documentation for more details.

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