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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

View your outdated packages

To see which packages in a mix app need updating, you can run mix hex.outdated

$ mix hex.outdated
Dependency           Current  Latest  Update possible
appsignal            1.3.2    1.3.3   Yes
basic_auth           2.1.4    2.1.4
cachex               2.1.0    2.1.0

It prints out a handy table letting you quickly view the current and latest versions and if they can be updated. If Update possible is No, check your semantic version lockdown of that package in mix.exs.

mix hex.outdated accepts a few arguments:

  • --all which shows all outdated packages, including children of packages defined in mix.exs
  • --pre which include pre-releases when checking for newer versions (be adventurous!)

Happy updating!

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