Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Comply with the erlang IO protocol

Below is a basic IO server/device implementation, it receives an :io_request message and responds with a :io_reply message.

defmodule MYIODevice do
  def listen() do
    receive do
      {:io_request, from, reply_as, {:put_chars, :unicode, message}} ->
        send(from, {:io_reply, reply_as, :ok})
        IO.puts("I see you")

pid = spawn_link(MYIODevice, :listen, [])

IO.puts(pid, "Hey there")

The above code outputs the following to stdout:

Hey there
I see you

The first argument of IO.puts/2 is a pid representing the device that is being written to, it is generally defaulted to :stdio)

The documentation is dense, enjoy! Erlang IO Protocol

H/T Brian Dunn

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