Extract Secrets from 1Password for Kamal Deploy
Kamal, the default deployment tool for Rails, has some really great features. One that I just discovered today is kamal secrets
You can use this utility to expand sensitive credentials from external sources during deployment. Out of the box, it supports 1Password, Bitwarden (and Secrets Manager), LastPass, AWS Secrets Manager, Doppler, and GCP.
You can run the command for SECRETS
from the .kamal/secrets
file manually to test everything out.
A pre-req for using 1Password is that you will need to install the OP CLI and login to your vault:
brew install 1password-cli
op signin
Next you'll need your account id. You can get that with -
op whoami
Then verify you can read your secrets. The output of the command inside the $(...)
is a stringified JSON -
SECRETS=$(kamal secrets fetch --adapter 1password --account op_account_id --from "op://Example/ApiKeys" KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD)
The output will look something like this -
The last part is expanding this. You can pass this JSON string to kamal secrets extract
to extract the value from the key in the JSON.
kamal secrets extract KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD ${SECRETS}