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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Suppress warnings from bucklescript compiler

The bsconfig.json file has a configuration called bsc-flags that are sent to the bucklescript compiler (bsc). That looks like this by default:

"bsc-flags": ["-bs-super-errors"],

This are a host of flags you could send to the bsc compiler, and you can see them all with:

> bsc -warn-help
  6 Label omitted in function application.
  7 Method overridden.
  8 Partial match: missing cases in pattern-matching.
  9 Missing fields in a record pattern.
 10 Expression on the left-hand side of a sequence that doesn't have type
    "unit" (and that is not a function, see warning number 5).

Note the numbers that correspond with each warning. The bsc command takes a -w flag and you can explicitly tell the compiler to ignore a warning by using a minus sign in front of the warning number, like this:

"bsc-flags": ["-w -8", "-bs-super-errors"],

To ignore all warnings, use -w -A.

To turn all warnings into errors use -w @A.

Per the bsc -help the default setting is:

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