Comparison Validator Also Validates Presence
In ActiveModel, a comparison validation on an attribute will first perform a presence validation, and return a :blank
error if the attribute is missing. So you don't have to explicitly add a presence validation if you're also doing a comparison validation (unless you really really want to (I probably still will)).
class SomeClass
include ActiveModel::Model
include ActiveModel::Attributes
attribute :some_number
comparison: {greater_than: 8}
If you don't provide some_number
you'll get a :blank
error, and the comparison validation will not run:
pry(main)> foo =
pry(main)> foo.valid?; foo.errors.full_messages
=> ["Some number can't be blank"]
But if you do provide some_number
, then the comparison validation will run as expected:
pry(main)> bar = 3)
pry(main)> bar.valid?; bar.errors.full_messages
=> ["Some number must be greater than 8"]