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Using `yarn global` w/ Node through asdf (mac)

The asdf version manager is an awesome tool for managing many different language runtime versions. I recently started using it for Node and noticed that yarn global no longer plays nice with it.

Turns out that if you install yarn through homebrew - your global directory will not take into account the asdf node version and path.

To correct this, first uninstall yarn from homebrew:

brew uninstall yarn

Then in your .zshrc or equivalent remove the yarn global path (see my previous post about Yarn global)

Now you want to find where asdf is being sourced into your .zshrc and insert a dynamic yarn global path:


# asdf global version manager
source "$HOME/.asdf/"
source "$HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash"

# set yarn binaries on path
# must be below the .asdf source commands ^
export PATH="$(yarn global bin):$PATH"

You can now install yarn again from npm which will put it in your asdf versioned node:

npm i -g yarn

When done restart your terminal and test to see that everything worked. I had to delete the ~/.config/yarn/global to make this work.

echo $PATH should contain something that looks like /Users/dkarter/.asdf/installs/nodejs/9.11.1/.npm/bin which should match yarn global bin.

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