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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Javascript arguments on ES2015 Arrow functions

Javascript function arguments can be accessed by functions defined using the function keyword such as:

function logArgsES5 () {
logArgsES5('foo', 'bar')
// => Arguments(2) ["foo", "bar"]

But ES2015 Arrow functions does not bind this variable, so if you try this you will see an error:

let logArgsES2015 = () => {
logArgsES2015('foo', 'bar')
// => Uncaught ReferenceError: arguments is not defined

So if we want to have similar variable we can add an ...arguments as the function argument:

let logArgsES2015 = (...arguments) => {
logArgsES2015('foo', 'bar')
// => Array(2) ["foo", "bar"]
See More #javascript TILs
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