Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Grep your Database 🔎

Wading through a database full of text (as might support a CMS) and feeling lost? Sometimes you gotta ditch the queries and just start grepping.

This Stack Overflow post sums up the idea. Here's a version of the command we used today to pick through a text-rich database:

$ curl `heroku pg:backups public-url -rproduction` | pg_restore | egrep -o '[a-z]+\'

This found, via a regex match, all subdomains of our target URL, in any text field of the production database. Pretty awesome.

See More #sql TILs
Looking for help? Hashrocket developers believe that data quality is as important as code quality. We enjoy all the challenges of relational databases, from finding the fastest index, to structuring data to fit the needs of an application. We're eager to share our experiences; check out PG Casts, our series of free PostgreSQL screencasts.