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RSpec expect not_to change from

I use the rspec change matcher a lot to check the before and after values of something while the subject under test executes. A convoluted example:

RSpec.describe "expect change from to" do
  it do
    x = 1
    expect{ x = x + 1 }.to change { x }.from(1).to(2)

And sometimes I use to it to verify something doesn't change.

RSpec.describe "expect not to change" do
  it do
    x = 1
    expect{ nil }.not_to change { x }

Which is great - but sometimes I want to make sure my understanding of the initial state is correct and want to verify it didn't change from its initial value - in this case 1.

RSpec.describe "expect not to change from" do
  it do
    x = 1
    expect{ nil }.not_to change { x }.from(1)

And if that from value is wrong, I'll get a nice message explaining what's wrong.

RSpec.describe "expect not to change from" do
  it do
    x = 1
    expect{ nil }.not_to change { x }.from(0)
# => expected `x` to have initially been 0, but was 1
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