Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Print the current stacktrace in Elixir

Stacktrace, backtrace, callstack, in Elixir its stacktrace and it's available via using the :current_stacktrace item:, :current_stacktrace)

And to print it:

IO.inspect(, :current_stacktrace), label: "STACKTRACE")

I'm also learning that takes a pid and an item as arguments. When you call with just the pid you only get a subset of the info available, not everything.

The items available via are listed in the erlang documentation here.

The additional items available via are listed in the erlang documentation here.

You may note that backtrace is also an item that is available via but it contains more information than you are might need to figure out where you are in the code.

See More #elixir TILs
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