Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Syntactically correct OCaml AST at the cmd line

I wrote a til about a week ago where I used refmt to convert reasonml to AST but the output is this:

  structure_item ([1,0+0]..[1,0+19])
    "Something" ([1,0+7]..[1,0+16])
      module_expr ([1,0+17]..[1,0+19])

While this is a good clue, it's not something I can copy and paste into my OCaml ppx file. It is not OCaml.

What's better is using the dumpast tool that comes with ppx_tools (installable with opam install ppx_tools).

Given a reason file:

module Something {}

When I run:

> cat | refmt --parse re --print ml > 
> ocamlfind ppx_tools/dumpast ./

It returns:

[{pstr_desc =
    {pmb_name = {txt = "Something"};
     pmb_expr = {pmod_desc = Pmod_structure []}}}]

Each of the records it returns is missing a location field and an attributes field, but you should use Ast_helper to produce Parseetree records with the location and attributes fields defaulted for you.

See More #reasonml TILs