Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Converting strings to atoms safely

If your elixir system accepts any outside inputs and takes any part of those outside inputs and calls String.to_atom with the input as an argument then your elixir system is subject to a denial of service attack.

Malicious actors can submit input designed to dynamically create a large number of atoms until the atom limit is reached, knocking out your elixir applications.

Consider using String.to_existing_atom instead. If the argument to this function cannot be converted to an existing atom then an exception will be thrown.

> String.to_existing_atom("I don't exist")
** (ArgumentError) argument error
    :erlang.binary_to_existing_atom("nothere", :utf8)
> String.to_atom("I don't exist")
:"I don't exist"
> String.to_existing_atom("I don't exist")
:"I don't exist"
See More #elixir TILs
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