Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Vim Verbose Map

Do you have a Vim mapping you'd like to know more about? One technique to explore a mapping is map. Here's what my machine knows about gcc:

:map gcc
n  gcc           <Plug>CommentaryLine
o  gc            <Plug>Commentary
n  gc            <Plug>Commentary
x  gc            <Plug>Commentary

Need more information? Add verbose, which will also display where it was last set.

:verbose map gcc
n  gcc           <Plug>CommentaryLine
        Last set from ~/hashrocket/dotmatrix/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/plugin/commentary.vim
o  gc            <Plug>Commentary
        Last set from ~/hashrocket/dotmatrix/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/plugin/commentary.vim
n  gc            <Plug>Commentary
        Last set from ~/hashrocket/dotmatrix/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/plugin/commentary.vim
x  gc            <Plug>Commentary
        Last set from ~/hashrocket/dotmatrix/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/plugin/commentary.vim

Now we know which modes support gcc (normal, plus operator-pending, normal, and ex-mode as gc), what happens when the command is used, and who set it last.

h/t Chris Erin

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