Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Get Back To Those Merge Conflicts

You've probably experienced this:

Decision A
<<<<<<< HEAD
Decision H
Decision I
Decision F
Decision G
>>>>>>> branch a
Decision E

And you wind up making some iffy decisions:

Decision A
Decision I
Decision G
Decision E

The tests don't pass, you're not confident in the choices you've made, but this is the third commit in a rebase and you don't want to start over.

It's easy to get back to a place where all your merge conflicts exist with:

git checkout --merge file_name
# or
git checkout -m file_name

Now you can re-evaluate your choices and make better decisions

Decision A
<<<<<<< HEAD
Decision H
Decision I
Decision F
Decision G
>>>>>>> branch a
Decision E

H/T Brian Dunn

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