Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Elixir IEX multi-line command

A change on Elixir 1.12.0 made possible to pipe |> multi-line commands in iex where the |> operator is in the beginning of new lines.

That means that we can:

iex(1)> :foo
iex(2)>       |> to_string()
iex(3)>       |> String.upcase()

The docs also mention that all other binary operators works the same way, except +/2 and -/2, so that's also valid:

iex(1)> [:foo]
iex(2)> ++ [:bar]
[:foo, :bar]
iex(3)> |> Enum.join(" ")
"foo bar"
iex(4)> |> String.upcase()

Each line will run at a new command, so if you assign a variable in the first line you may not have what you expect, so watch out.

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