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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Production mode tree shaking in webpack by default

I've been experimenting with noconfig webpack (version 4.43) recently and was pleased to see tree shaking is on by default.

If I have a module maths.js:

export const add = (a, b) => a + b;

export const subtract = (a, b) => a - b;

And in my index.js file I import only add:

import { add } from './maths'

Then when I run webpack in production mode with -p, choose to display the used exports with --display-used-exports and choose to display the provided exports with --display-provided-exports then I get an output for the maths module that indicates tree shaking is taking place:

$ npx webpack -p --display-used-exports --display-provided-exports
    | ./src/maths.js 78 bytes [built]
    |     [exports: add, subtract]
    |     [only some exports used: add]

The output [only some exports used: add] indicates that subtract has not been included in the final output.

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