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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Case insensitive `in` query in #postgres #psql

If you have a list of strings and you want to query a column to get all the matching records, but you do not care about the casing, Postgres offers a cool and easy way of doing that with the citext extension.

Given this table:

id | company_name
 1 | Abibas
 2 | Nykey
 3 | Pumar

We want to match the following:

select company_name
from vendors 
where company_name in ('Abibas', 'NyKey', 'PUMAr');

First you will have to make sure you have the citext extension created if you haven't already:

create extension citext;

Then you can cast the searched field to citext:

select company_name
from vendors 
where company_name::citext in ('Abibas', 'NyKey', 'PUMAr');

h/t joshbranchaud for helping me find this

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