Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Print unknown exceptions in PL/pgSQL

When trying to figure out why a function raised an exception you can print the error code raised to lookup in the table Appendix A-1.

One method is to capture others and then raise the magic sqlstate variable (only available in exception handlers)

create or replace function do_it(name text)
  returns void
as $$
  select 42 from nothing;
  when others then
    raise '%: %', sqlstate, sqlerrm;
  security definer
  language plpgsql

Then you can view the error:

select do_it('hi');
ERROR:  42P01: relation "nothing" does not exist
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function do_it(text) line 6 at RAISE
See More #sql TILs
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