Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Transfer env vars from Heroku to Gigalixir

We're in the process of moving tilex, this website, to gigalixir so that we can use http/2. One part of that is moving over all the configuration. Turns out that's real easy with the -s flag.

heroku config -s -a tilex | xargs gigalixir config:set

With the -s flag, you get this:

> heroku config -s | grep DATABASE_URL

Rather than this

> heroku config | grep DATABASE_URL
DATABASE_URL: postgres://user:pass@location/dbname

When means you can just pipe all those configurations over to gigalixir using xargs.

The heroku command assumes there is a git remote named heroku and the gigalixir command assumes there is a git remote named gigalixir.

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