Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Go to next ALE error

Has ALE overtaken your vim setup like it has mine? It constantly runs linters, compilers and formatters, just waiting for you to slip up so that it can put an X in the gutter.

Those X's are really quite handy. They generally point me to the next place in the code that I need to make a change.

To get there quickly you can goto the next ALE error with:


This will stop at the last error in the file though. To have it wrap around use:


I really enjoy vim-unimpaired's handy bracket mappings, but I don't use ]a that move between args (because I don't use args very often).

To setup my own handy bracket mappings for ALE:

:nmap ]a :ALENextWrap<CR>
:nmap [a :ALEPreviousWrap<CR>
:nmap ]A :ALELast
:nmap [A :ALEFirst
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