Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Count Occurrences in Elixir

Elixir recently introduced an useful couple of functions to count how many times a value appears in an Enumerable. It comes in two formats: frequencies/1 and frequencies_by/2. Here's an example:

iex> [
...>   %{name: "Falcon", power: "Flight"},
...>   %{name: "Titan Spirit", power: "Flight"},
...>   %{name: "Atom Claw", power: "Strength"},
...>   %{name: "Electro", power: "Electricity Control"},
...>   %{name: "Loki Brain", power: "Telekinesis"},
...> ] |> Enum.frequencies_by(& &1.power)
  "Electricity Control" => 1,
  "Flight" => 2,
  "Strength" => 1,
  "Telekinesis" => 1
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