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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Scripting With RVM

Because of how RVM works under the hood, you have to do a couple things to get it to work in a script.

First, you need to ensure that your script is using bash instead of sh, so add this to the top of your scripts:


You'll then want to make sure that RVM is sourced. Their docs recommend sourcing in a script like this:

# Load RVM into a shell session *as a function*
if [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then

  # First try to load from a user install
  source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

elif [[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then

  # Then try to load from a root install
  source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"


  printf "ERROR: An RVM installation was not found.\n"


After that, you can utilize any of the capabilities of RVM in your script as you'd like.

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