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hashrocket A Hashrocket project

About `:aggregate_failures` for rspec

When writing rspec tests you can separate your test cases as in:

describe "foo" do
  specify { expect(some_behavior).to be_well_behaved }
  specify { expect(some_other_behavior).to be_well_behaved }

Or if you prefer to write:

describe "foo" do
  it "handles some behaviors" do
    expect(some_behavior).to be_well_behaved
    expect(some_other_behavior).to be_well_behaved

The second example has the downside that it will fail out of the it block if the first expect doesn't pass. To get around this, you can use:

describe "foo" do
  it "handles some behaviors", :aggregate_failures do
    expect(some_behavior).to be_well_behaved
    expect(some_other_behavior).to be_well_behaved

Which will run the specs and collect their failures.

See More #testing TILs