Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Get the Values for a Ecto Schema Enum Column

I recently started learning Elixir and had a model with an enum column with the following attributes:

 schema "keyboards" do
   field :nickname, :string
   field :form_factor, Ecto.Enum, values: [:macro, :num, :custom, :split, :forty, :sixty, :sixty_five, :seventy_five, :tkl, :full]


In my view, I had a form object where I wanted to have a select input with the values from my enum column, form_factor. Luckily, the Ecto.Enum module has a few functions that can help with this - mappings/2, values/2, and dump_values/2.

I ended up using the following in my form:

  <%= label f, :form_factor %>
  <%= select f, :form_factor, Ecto.Enum.mappings(Keyboard, :form_factor)  %>
  <%= error_tag f, :form_factor %>

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