Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Splitting a string with `Js.String.splitByRe`

In ReasonML you are not always in a JS context, but when you are, you can use Js.String.splitByRe for splitting.

let regex = [%re "/\|/"];

let results = Js.String.splitByRe(regex, "Apple|Bird|Turtle");


You can play around with it here.

As a sidenote, if you read the docs on the Str module it looks like there are Reason ways to do this, but I can't get anything in that module to work.

In a ReasonML "Try" window here I try calling:

Str.regexp("", "");

But just get the error

The module or file Str can't be found.
Are you trying to use the standard library's Str?
If you're compiling to JavaScript, use Js.Re instead.
Otherwise, add str.cma to your ocamlc/ocamlopt command.

Pretty confusing :/.

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