Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Pretty Print JSON responses from `curl`

When you use curl to manually make API calls, sometimes the response is not formatted:

> curl ''`

{"data":{"posts":[{"title":"Display line break content in React with just CSS","slug":"mmzlajavna"},{"title":"Mutations with the graphql-client Ruby gem","slug":"xej7xtsnit"},{"title":"The rest of keyword arguments 🍕","slug":"o2wiclcyjf"}]}}%

You can pipe json_pp at the end so you have a prettier json response:

> curl '' | json_pp

   "data" : {
      "posts" : [
            "slug" : "mmzlajavna",
            "title" : "Display line break content in React with just CSS"
            "title" : "Mutations with the graphql-client Ruby gem",
            "slug" : "xej7xtsnit"
            "title" : "The rest of keyword arguments 🍕",
            "slug" : "o2wiclcyjf"

See Part 2

See More #command-line TILs