Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Pretty Print JSON responses from `curl` - Part 2

After posting my last TIL , Vinicius showed me another tool that goes beyond just pretty printing: jq

If you don't pass any args to jq it will just pretty print same as json_pp:

> curl '' | jq

  "data": {
    "posts": [
        "title": "Pretty Print JSON responses from `curl`",
        "slug": "pgyjvtuwba"
        "title": "Display line break content in React with just CSS",
        "slug": "mmzlajavna"
        "title": "Mutations with the graphql-client Ruby gem",
        "slug": "xej7xtsnit"

What if you only want to display the first post on the response? Just pass an argument to filter the keys you want. It's like Xpath for JSON: jq '.data.posts[0]'

> curl '' | jq '.data.posts[0]'

  "title": "Pretty Print JSON responses from `curl`",
  "slug": "pgyjvtuwba"

See Part 3

See More #command-line TILs